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​Post-operative care

Patients will go through a period of treatment and recovery after surgery. The professional team can help patients with short-term/long-term wound treatment, food preparation, and assisted mobility to help patients recover faster.

​Service object:

Fractures, paralyzed patients, joint/hip replacement surgery, tumor removal, plastic surgery, eye laser surgery or other vision treatments, etc.

Service scope:

Assist patients with toileting, bathing, eating, performing/assisting rehabilitation exercises, holding, transferring patients, pain care, accompanying follow-up visits, wound care, planning and preparing meals, etc.

Care plan:
Provide home care services by caregivers, health workers, registered nurses or registered nurses based on patient care needs

walker senior patient

Caregiver/Personal Care Worker (PCW)*

It can remind you to take medicine, feed, change diapers, take a shower, simple stretching exercises, hold, measure vital signs and simple cooking and other daily care.

*Caregiver service starts from 4 hours

Enrolled/Registered Nurse (EN/RN)*

In addition to the service scope of daily care workers and health nurses, registered/registered nurses can also provide more professional services such as gastric/urinary throat replacement, tracheostomy care, sputum extraction, intravenous injection and ventilator care. .

*Registration/registered nurse service starts from 4 hours

​*Individual special services can be charged on a single basis

Health worker (HW)#

In addition to covering the scope of nursing care services, health nurses can also provide professional care, such as urine bag care, wound care, insulin injection (diabetic injection), colostomy care and other services.

​#Health nurse service starts from 4 hours



6/F, The Rays,
71 Hung To Road,Kwun Tong


EA Licence number: 73326


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